

Maybe not surprising to some of you, we of course have to add biltong to our favourite food list. It is a fantastic hikers snack, but let’s be honest: we eat it almost every day here. :)

Biltong is the dried, cured meat version of South Africa. It is similar to beef jerky in that they are both spiced, dried meats. The typical ingredients, taste and production processes differ though, the main difference being that biltong is dried and subsequently sliced whereas jerky is sliced prior to drying. In my opinion that makes the biltong much more juicy and not so dead dry as the beef jerky. The best way to eat biltong is therefore also to buy a whole piece and only cut off the slices you like to eat. Do not buy sliced biltong, it will dry out much quicker and might develop mould quicker as well.

I found this interesting recipe online, how to make biltong at home. We will give it a try when we are back!


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