After Lima we drove to Huanchaco, a small beach village at the coast, for our last 3 days in Peru. At the bus station, we found an interesting sign about tropical fruits that you might find interesting as well :). Once we got to Huancacho, we instantly realized how much we had missed a nice ocean breeze. We stayed in a lovely hostel with a nice garden just in front of the beach and so it was maybe not surprising that we got stuck there. We were both reading an exciting book and spent the first 2 days just reading, working on the webiste, enjoying the breeze and the sunsets and… eating of course :). There was however the ancient site Chan Chan in close proximity that we wanted to visit as well. So we planned to do this on our last day, as our bus to Ecuador would only leave at midnight. Unfortunately, our bodies had different plans. After our dinner of grilled fish on the second day, I started to feel unwell right afterwards. It only took my body a few hours to get everything out of the system again. At around 3:00 am I woke up and just about made it to the toilet to empty myself out completely top and bottom. During the course of the next 10 hours, I had to run to the toilet twice again. I have not felt so weak on the whole trip. This was the worst food poisening I actually ever had. And just when we were happy that it only caught up on me, Mathias started throwing up at around lunch time and the whole process started for him. Oh my god, we were supposed to go on an 18 hours bus ride!! Luckily, it seemed that once our bodies were empty to the last drop, it stopped. We felt teribbly weak and tired, but we made it to the bus and survived the bus ride to Ecuador. Maybe after our food orgies the last weeks, this was bound to happen at some point.